Games Testing

Playtesting games is a very important part of the development stage of a game. The reading (  defines playtesting as playing a game in progress with the purpose of improving it. 

There are different kinds of testing: bug testing, usability testing, focus testing, balance testing, and fun testing. These testings all have different goals. For example, towards the middle of the development progress, bug testing is important as you usually cannot go ahead with the development sometimes if your whole game is just buggy.

There are different kinds of people playtesting, for example, you, the devloper, other game designers and complete strangers. I think that having other people playtest your game can make you spot errors and bugs in it that you won't spot yourself because you're almost used to seeing them so they go unnoticed

Blindtesting is important too - if the player does not know what to do without the developer being there to explain it, then it won't be a very good game.


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