Unity Tutorial 01

This week in Multimedia Development we have started to learn the basics of Unity 3D. It's a program that lets you develop your own games. It's been very fun and interesting to me so far. I have used a number of Unity tutorials so far and they've been very informative and gives a lot of insight for absolute beginners.

The first video shows the absolute basics of Unity and gave some instructions on how to create a new scene, how to put simple 3D objects in such as a cube and a sphere and how to create terrain. I really liked this tutorial because it made Unity fun and interesting when it seems like a lot to understand at first but it was broken down into simple parts to make it engaging and easy to follow. 

The second video gives a little more of an in depth guide into creating terrain and how to insert it into a scene. It tells you how to raise and lower terrain and make it less "flat" looking. I've imported a few basic textures as seen below; grass, stone, and dirt which were played around with using texture and lighting. It also taught me how to create a simple mountain or lake terrain. It also tells you how to aff textures to shapes and change their color. In the screenshot below I was raising the terrain in the scene.

The third video explains how to insert some assets into your new game scene as trees and walking sounds. It helps you to create a very basic "game" with trees, a grass texture and sound. It shows some more in depth settings such as grass height and making objects rotate. It also touches on some C# coding which I found very fun too. 
In this screenshot I was trying out some of the downloaded assets by placing them into the scene. The finished product was something of an interactive game and I enjoyed making it.

These videos are immensely helpful in my opinion and I love that I can learn Unity in an understandable way that is easy to follow.


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