Unity Tutorial 02

This week I have looked at another tutorial that expands a bit more on the previous one I did last week.
This tutorial I looked at taught me more about making the game a little more immersive and continued off the previous one.
The tutorial goes through how to add sound effects to the game. The example given was importing a simple "ding" sound effect that would occur when a gem is picked up. There was also some coding in C# to make this happen properly. Afterwards walking on these gems would make them disappear and make this sound.
There was also the creation of walls which was quite similar to making terrain because of the process of adding the texture types after importing them in - it followed the same process of creating two textures and making one a "normal map" to make it look more 3D and realistic. I think it was very fun to continue on with creating this game, even though it was simple it's quite easy to learn with these tutorials so far in my opinion. I think with this fourth tutorial it's starting to look like a playable, basic game.


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