Unity Tutorial 03

 Making a Clock in Unity

This week I have done a tutorial that teaches you how to make a simple clock using primitive shapes like cylinders and working with them using the scale and position to make a working clock. The tutorial also utilises C# to help, as the shapes on their own are just a hierarchy of assets put together. This basic format helps me to learn more about using Unity.

 Making a clock in unity following the tutorial.

I thought it was very easy to follow but interesting to learn. Knowing more C# through the tutorials is the most interesting part for me because I can definitely see a couple of similarities between C# and HTML and CSS which I also do in CDM, for example, the use of "classes" and a similar layout as CSS. 
I did have a bit of trouble with the coding because it took some time for me to read through what the code actually does for the objects in Unity and to understand it better rather than just typing it in and not getting what it does. Overall I think these basic tutorials are great for learning gradually as there is a lot to know about how to use Unity correctly.


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