
This week I have begun to work on my prototype for the game. Today I began to work on a "skeleton" of it, using free assets from Unity, implementing a simple character and some platforms. I began to work on the basic controls mandatory in every 2D platform game, for example, the character being able to stand on the platform without falling through, an object, in this case a coin, being present, and basic movement.

I used the tutorials that I watched earlier this week to help me with this. While during the tutorials I only really experimented a little, today I constantly went back and forth on the instructions to try and learn what the controls do so I can apply them later without needing to refer back to the tutorial.

So far, the basics are all working and I haven't found it difficult to follow any of the steps. It's very fun to learn all these controls because I definitely see myself being able to make a simple game by just practicing all these controls. For example, learning what the 2D Physics options do and what some basic C# commands do for the game.

What was more difficult about it was learning the C#, I ran into some mistakes that I didn't know how to fix because I wasn't that familiar with it. 

Doing C# in Unity.

These are some experiments I did to get a working game done before I start to think about the artistic aspects of it.

 Here I was experimenting with character movement and experimenting with box colliders.
 This way, I can learn more about the technical aspects of creating my prototype so I can help myself later on with less need of tutorials.

So far, I have gotten the skeleton down and from now I can continue to work from here. I can lay down more platforms and start to create a real working level, and in time put in my own background and a different character who is more like the one I envisioned.
It seems to be working out except some problems with the C#, which I can practice more. Otherwise, it's going relatively well and I will continue working on my prototype.



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