Unity Tutorial 06

This week I have looked at two more Unity tutorials. The first one was about adding a free Unity asset called a "skybox" which allows you to choose the "atmosphere" of the scene, for example, choosing between things a sun setting scene and a dark sky - these can be achieved by changing things like the intensity multiplier in the "lighting" section at the top, as shown in the picture.

changing the atmosphere through the settings in the tutorial.
 This can create several different settings, making a lighter toned scene or making it very dark.
This tutorial also shows you how to add a windy effect to the game - this makes the trees have a rustling effect like real wind.
This skybox is something I will definitely add my game when I make it - I think it is essential to creating a certain mood or atmosphere in your game and making it more immersive.

The second tutorial was a bit different and jumped off another previous tutorial when I put a weapon into the game - it now used C# to make so that you could pick up the weapon instead of starting the game with it - which seems useful for a lot of types of games such as action, fighting, horror and survival.


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