Week 8 Comments and Feedback

So far, I have the feedback feature to be quite useful. The comments I have recieved have actually been quite helpful, especially on my GDD. It helped me get a new perspective from the outside, and helped me make some changes to my GDD where I realised I could fix something that I previously didn't think was a problem, but then looked back and realised I could make it much better. I find comments with constructive criticism most useful for this reason - they provide a lot of unique insight, and everyone's perspective is different, which is great.

I really like giving feedback to other people in the class because it gives me a chance to take a look at so many people's ideas and see how they're getting on with their game. I've seen some great unique ideas from some people and it makes me look forward to seeing their development. 
When I leave comments for other people, I try to say what I liked about their idea and why, and what I disliked and why, and if I have any ideas, I'd give mine on how they could possible improve on this area, if they wanted to. I think writing comments for other people has helped me learn how to give constructive feedback to others. I've gotten better at getting my opinion and ideas across in a concise way to others.

I liked the response on my introduction post and commenting on others introduction because it helped me get back into things after a long holiday. It was fun reading friends' introductions, everyone wrote something different. I really like that everyone's blogs is like their own little space to present their thoughts and ideas to everyone. From looking at someone's blog, it's easy to see how their game has been progressing and how they've been finding it along the way. Everyone's progress has been different and this is definitely reflected on their blogs. In the same way, I find that documenting my own journey through the semester has been very interesting, especially looking back from the beginning to now. I like to follow updates on game ideas that I like, so I like that we all have our own blogs where we can check up on how a certain game is going.

As for future feedback, I think I've really improved with giving feedback to others. Looking at other people's blogs has given me a lot of inspiration and has given me some new ideas and considerations for my own game. I think what I need to improve on is how I give feedback to other people. Sometimes I am not sure how to word ideas I have on how to improve another person's game without sounding condescending! I really want to give constructive criticism in a way that outlines my positive and negative thoughts in a clear. way, and this is something I could definitely do better in the future. 



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